Monday 24 August 2015

Apple's Next iPhone Could Feature A Battery That Lasts A Week

According to David Snelling of UK Express, the production of batteries that last for a week is already on. Read his report below........

A British technology company is thought to be developing a battery that could bring joy to millions of iPhone users.The new hydrogen-powered fuel cell is abel to create large amounts of energy by mixing hydrogen and oxygen together inside the phone.Not only does this new techn add days smartphone battrey life, but it's also extremely environmentally friendly.
It’s currently at the prototype stage but its makers, Intelligent Energy, say the tiny battery could be capable of powering an iPhone for a week on a single charge.
Reports suggest the new power cell is so small that it easily fits inside the current iPhone 6 so won't add any bulk to the slim device.
We have now managed to make a fuel cell so thin we can fit it to the existing chassis without alterations
Henri Winand, chief executive of Intelligent Energy
In fact the only difference is the battery emits small amounts of water vapour whilst in use.
Henri Winand, chief executive of Intelligent Energy told : “To our knowledge this has never been done before.
"We have now managed to make a fuel cell so thin we can fit it to the existing chassis without alterations and retaining the rechargeable battery.
"This is a major step because if you are moving to a new technology you have to give people a path they are comfortable with."
Some reports have suggested that Apple are working closely with Intelligent Energy to bring the technology to devices in the next few years.
Neither company would comment on the venture but it could give the iPhone a very unique selling point.

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