Friday 28 August 2015

Governor Ajimobi Goes To School, Obtains U.I PhD Form

Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State has indicated his intention to go back to school as a full time doctoral student as he had obtained a PhD form from the University of Ibadan, UI.
According to a reliable source at the Post Graduate School of the premier university, Governor Ajimobi, who has applied to the Department of Political Science has his interest in public administration.

The source said: “Let me authoritatively confirm it to you that Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo
State has applied to study political science and to specialise in public administration in our prestigious university. His form is being processed at the postgraduate school. After the post graduate school has completed their work on the form, it will be sent to the Department of Political Science for further processing. If the application succeeds, very soon, he will become our full time student and that means that under a normal condition, he is expected to finish his programme within three years.”
Asked the governor’s chances of scaling through the admission hurdle, the source said: “That I don’t know. His qualifications will be examined and well screened. If he qualifies, he will be offered the admission and if not, I am sure that the university will not want to set a bad precedence by offering admission to someone who does not deserve it.”

Governor Ajimobi, while commissioning the institution’s Distance Learning Centre, publicly declared his intention to study Political Science at PhD level.
Stressing his inability to gain admission to the university to study medicine some years back, he appealed to the Vice Chancellor of the institution, Professor Isaac Adewole, to assist him in getting the admission.

Ajimobi further boasted that he should not be denied the opportunity to study at a PhD level because he has garnered all the necessary requisite knowledge needed as a result of his wide exposure in politics and public administration.
However, the institution’s Director of Public Communication, Mr. Olatunji Oladejo in a telephone chat claimed not to be aware whether the governor has obtained a PhD form or not, stressing that there is nothing confidential about someone wanting to go to school.

“Incidentally, you are giving me an information that I am not aware of. But anybody who is interested in becoming our student can apply and we will consider him on merit. My advice is that wait, very soon, you will confirm because, such a person with such a status cannot hide his studentship once he commences the programme if he is admitted,” he added

Culled: PM NEWS

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