Tuesday 4 August 2015

Woman Forced Out Of Work Due To Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal thing to humans. It is meant to cool the body when the temperature is hot. But, when one sweats both during cold and hot environment, it could be a cause for alarm.

25-year-old Esme De Silvahas' condition started when she was a teenager. She would sweat non-stop. The condition has been identified as a rare skin disease known as dimentia. According to her, it became embarrassing at work, and she could hardly go to social functions as people would always comment on her sweats.
She explained: "I got teased at school because of my sweating and, over the years, I built up a paranoia that people were talking about or laughing at me.
"The sweating took over my life. At school, I had to wash my uniform every single night and make sure I always had spray, deodorant, perfume and a change of clothes in my bag.
"Shopping can be a nightmare. I have to be really careful with materials as anything synthetic makes the problem ten times worse, but that's what most high street clothes are made from." 

At some point, she had to leave her job to concentrate on finding solutions to her problem. She met various doctors who tried different medicines but to no success.

She finally used a product called Odaban which has reduced her level of sweating drastically. Her life has improved and she is earger to settle down with her 26-year-old boyfriend.
With her boyfriend recently
credit: UK Express

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