Thursday 15 October 2015

Twitter Sacks 336 Employees

Jack Dorsey took over as permanent CEO about a week ago and heads have started rolling at twitter? For those who don't know, Jack Dorsey was part of the three that founded twitter. As a matter of fact, he was the one with the basic idea. Fast forward, he became the company CEO and one of the first things on his agenda was to send home some employees. He sent email to all staff and announced his intention to sack 336 people. See part of the mail after the cut.............

"So we have made an extremely tough decision: we plan to part ways with up to 336 people from across the company. We are doing this with the utmost respect for each and every person. Twitter will go to great lengths to take care of each individual by providing generous exit packages and help finding a new job."
 The employees are making use of Twitter to fight the sack.

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