Wednesday 15 July 2015

How Gay Doctor Was Busted

                                                                                       Dr Ali Gabass

Yesterday, we publish the story of a respected Ghanaian doctor who had sex with a 16-year-old boy. Well, he accidentally confessed the crime to a reporter. The reporter secretly recorded him and tape was presented as evidence in court. But wait! Who does that? Who confesses his crime to an unknown reporter, knowing full well the guy is a reporter? Something doesn't smell right. Tho the doctor said 'something' is wrong with him. Maybe its the same thing that forced out the confession.

Daily Guide of Ghana has published the recorded conversation. It's long tho. But we've managed to pick interesting parts. Enjoy....................

Gabass: Hello!
Manasseh (reporter) : Good afternoon.
Gabass: Good afternoon. You are welcome.
Manasseh:Thank you, Sir. My name is Manasseh.
Gabass: Manasseh Azure?
Manasseh: Yeah!
Gabass: I have been hearing of you.
Manasseh: Nice to meet you. I’m following up on a story, and somebody is making an allegation and I think it is only fair that I speak to you.
Gabass: That’s right.
Manasseh: There is this boy in Accra called, errm… (name withheld).
Gabass: [He repeats the name Manasseh mentions] Yeah!
Manasseh: Yeah, he is alleging that you had carnal knowledge of him and then errm, a whole number of issues.
Gabass: Issues?
Manasseh: So I think it’s only fair that I…
Gabass: You consulted…
Manasseh: Yeah.
Gabass: … consult me.
Manasseh: Yeah, because it’s not the best … the little I have asked, they said you are like the pillar at the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Unit at the Hospital.
Gabass: That’s right
Manasseh: So I think such a personality, if you have errm somebody making an allegation, you don’t just go to air and publish.
Gabass: That’s right.
Manasseh: You have to confront the… let the person tell you exactly what is it and all sort of things. So that’s the main reason why I came.
Gabass: So what happened? What was his story?
Manasseh: That you were friends—it started on Facebook—until you met and you had sex with him and that he is sick.
Gabass: Ha! Wei Allah! Wei Allah! Wei Allah! [He chanted words in Arabic]. Look at this … my heart is panting. Manasseh.
Gabass: I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. I won’t lie to you; in fact, it was a mistake. You see, this guy, I don’t know. It’s like … it’s not anal knowledge per say but the fact that this guy, a minor, a friend of yours and then you know this thing. In fact, Manasseh.
Gabass: I had a problem, you see.
Manasseh: Yeah, people are telling me you are rather, you are actually the one holding up the place now. You are hardworking and all of that.
Gabass: You see, the point is that, you see, I had a problem. I wasn’t myself. I was actually troubled. I was the superintendent of errm Effia Nkwanta Hospital errm not Effia Nkwanta, Esikado Hospital. And there was a point I had to take medicine to sleep. And I’m just getting out of it. That’s why I established this place that I’m in. I did so many things that I have regretted. I don’t know whether it’s out of the depression, frustration, you know? I don’t know … I cannot … I won’t lie to you. Actually, he wanted to see me, you know, internet this thing. So I actually met him in Accra, you know. And … and the reason why … the reason why even err I was very much after that err you see I was taken by surprise. You see these guys? That’s how they are.
When they see you … that’s when I realised like this guy can blackmail me. In fact, I don’t know what I was into and so I got [afraid] and immediately, I deleted him from my Facebook account. But then that’s my number so he calls me … and I want to make sure that …
There was a time or was it some time ago? He called me that he was in Swedru Hospital that … it could be related. It could not be related but once I have had something to do with him, the brother called me. I said why are you calling me? He said his brother gave him the number that I’m his friend; that I can help him.
That he is in the hospital and cannot pay the bill and all that. It’s a form of blackmail but what can I do? I didn’t even have the money. Initially I said … was it five million? (GH¢500) or 12 million (GH¢1,200). I sent him the money hoping that this would be quiet because I have a whole family depending on me. If you look at me, that’s not how I am. I have lost weight. When you mentioned…, see the reaction.
I can’t deny and I have regretted. I don’t know as if something … I’ve not been myself. As if something is eating me, you know. Not knowing I’m being investigated…

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