Saturday 25 July 2015

Lol. Orgasm Can Make People Reveal Top Secrets- Expertrs

Funny. Is it not? An article on Punch reports that orgasm tend to get top secrets out of people. The study was carried out by some scientists at University of Connecticut, United States.The study, led by Amanda Denes, an assistant professor in the university, and published in the journal Communication
Monographs and the National Communication Association, pointed out that after having an orgasm, people tend to experience a rapid increase in their love hormone, known as Oxytocin. This hormone, which is also known as pro-social hormone, tends to increase how trustworthy people perceive others to be. 

Denes said, “Communication after sexual intercourse is likely linked to sexual and relationship satisfaction. For this reason, pillow talk may play a pivotal role in maintaining intimacy.
“Oxytocin floods a person’s brain immediately after orgasm, and elevated levels of oxytocin are linked with a greater sense of trust and reduced perceptions of threat, in addition to lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. This combination can create an environment in which people feel safe disclosing information to their partner.”
What is unknown is who reveal more secrets during orgasm-male or female?

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